
作者: 蔡自兴、刘丽珏、陈白帆、王勇

出版社: 清华大学出版社

出版日期: 2021-10-01

电子书 ¥167.7 定价:258.0
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《Artificial Intelligence:From Beginning to Date》 covers a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence with three distinct features.《Artificial Intelligence:From Beginning to Date》 is expected to be welcomed by readers.It is a comprehensive manual and practical guide for artificial intelligence research and development personnel to conduct research on related artificial intelligence projects. It is also a valuable reference for undergraduate and graduate students to learn artificial intelligence.


(1) 《Artificial Intelligence:From Beginning to Date》 comprehensively covers the technical content of artificial intelligence. It not only discusses knowledge-based artificial intelligence with a certain space, but also highlights data-based artificial intelligence content with a larger space, so that readers have a more comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence from ancient times to the present. (2) 《Artificial Intelligence:From Beginning to Date》focuses on the new technology of artificial intelligence that has been rapidly developed and widely used in recent years. It provides a relatively comprehensive introduction to deep neural networks and deep learning and their applications, which can be used as a research guide for readers to learn and refer to. (3)In addition to discussing the technical content of artificial intelligence, 《Artificial Intelligence:From Beginning to Date》discusses on some general issues of artificial intelligence in the new era, such as the core technology and role of artificial intelligence, industrialization of artificial intelligence, the benefits and safety of artificial intelligence, which will help readers expand their horizons and enhance their comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence.

  • 版权: 清华大学出版社
  • 出版: 2021-10-01
  • 作者:蔡自兴、刘丽珏、陈白帆、王勇
  • 更新: 2023-09-15
  • 书号:9787302590972
  • 中图:TP18
  • 学科: